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KMS Weekly News 10/25/2024

Posted Date: 10/25/24 (3:30 PM)

Kuna Middle School
Kavemen Khronicles
October 25, 2024
From the Principal: Working Together for Our Students
Dear KMS Families,

On a daily basis, we focus on following through on our commitments to students and families. Every day, our staff works hard to provide the best learning experiences, both in and out of the classroom. We want you to know that your partnership with us makes a big difference.

Over the next few weeks, we have some exciting events and programs planned that will help our students grow, not just academically but emotionally too. We encourage families to be involved and stay connected as we move forward together. Join us at upcoming events, volunteer to help out, or share your ideas with us! We’re excited to continue working together to make this school year great for every student. Your feedback is important, and we’re here to listen. Our goal is to create a school where everyone feels welcome and valued. Thank you for your support!

Partners in Learning,

Shelly Manuel
Principal, KMS
KMS Staff Pic
Red Ribbon Week
important dates
Looking Ahead
November 5 - No School
November 11 - KMS Veteran's Assembly
November 12 - KMS Fall Band Concert @ 7:00 pm
November 18 - PTO @ 5:30 pm
November 18 - Parent Advisory Committee Meeting @ 6:00 pm
December 5 - KMS Choir Christmas Concert @ 7:00 pm
School Canceled Tuesday, Nov. 5

The Kuna Board of Trustees has canceled school on Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 5, due to safety concerns. Some of our schools are polling places, and higher turnout is expected with the Presidential Election. West Ada and Boise school districts have also canceled school. Please remember, there will be no school on Tuesday, Nov. 5.

Classroom Close-Up
7th grade history classes attended Mesopotamia scribal school this week. They practiced writing on cuneiform tablets and discovered why scribes were considered to have high status in Mesopotamian society. It is hard work! 
The AVID students working hard on college research and presentations!!!
Snack Tectonics Lab
In this hands-on activity, students used frosting, graham crackers, and fruit roll-up to creatively demonstrate tectonic plate movement and the geological features that form as a result.
This lab not only reinforced our understanding of plate tectonics but also allowed students to explore these concepts in a delicious and memorable way!
science 1
science 2
Sports Highlights
wrestling practice
wrestling practice
wrestling practice
basketball free throw
basketball game
8th grade basketball
7th grade basketball
7th grade basketball
7th grade basketball
Next week's Sports Schedule
Week of Oct. 28-Nov. 1, 2024
  • Monday, Oct. 28: Coed Wrestling vs East Valley 4:15pm

  • Wednesday, Oct. 30: Combined 7 A Basketball (Girls) HOME vs Summitvue Middle School, 4:15
  • Wednesday, Oct. 30: 8 A/B Basketball (Girls) AWAY @ Summitvue Middle School, 4:15 & 5:15

  • Thursday, Oct. 31: Coed Wrestling @ TVCS 4:15pm
KMS Choir Concert
Our choir students and Ms. Peterson put on a great choir concert!
Socktober Sock Drive
NJHS is doing it's annual Socktober drive
All socks can be brought to your advisory class. 
October 8th-31st
Winning Advisory class will receive a pizza party! 
KMS Library Reading Challenge
Field of Flags Fundraiser
Our CAST members are participating in the field of flags for Veterans Day this year and their campaign just went live. The Flags will be delivered the last week of October and CAST will have them ​on ​display the Friday before our 
Veterans ​Day assembly 
Please follow the link to donate. 
Field of Flags Fundraiser Link
KMS Kave Cart
A GREAT OPPORTUNITY! Parents and Grandparents, sign up here to help today! Also make sure that you have completed an adult background check here: Thank you :)
Online store now open for yearbook purchases
KMS Yearbooks!
Online store now open
$30 Each
Yearbook Sales
Office Hours
Levy Information- Vote 11/5/24
Feed it Forward
Food Insecurity is on the rise at Kuna Middle School 
Feed it Forward is a program hosted by KMS PTO for KMS students.
It allows anyone to donate in order to cover needed school lunch funds. 
Students are not allowed to charge meals.
Insufficient funds= no lunch
Short $.50 =no lunch 

But, Feed it Forward can cover a student that day, so they can have a
hot lunch.
KMS PTO donated $500 in March to the program, that money was well spent covering student lunches. 
They have donated another $500, but it will likely be gone in six weeks or less. 
Please consider donating.

How to donate:
Scan the QR code, Specify Feed it Forward on your donation
If you would like a receipt, please reach out to the KMS PTO and they will provide one.
KMS PTO is a 501 (c) (3) tax exempt organization
Thank you for supporting KMS and it's students
2024-2025 Bell Schedule
Breakfast and Lunch Information
Transportation Information
School Supply List
Contact Us
Contact the Principal, Mrs. Manuel
Contact the Vice Principal, Mr. Noteboom
Contact the Vice Principal, Mr. McKee

Kuna Middle School
Phone 208-922-1002    ·    Fax 208-922-1030
Visit Our Website:
